doubt it. chuck a post code in there and a road name, then maybe.
Hmm, if you knew someone looking for one of these bikes - or for instance a high end vintage track bike - and willing to pay you a grand to get them one then having a location set to anythin other than "UK" gives you a good place to start looking and it'd be worth your while to hang about around that area and do a little research like joining cycling forums etc.
Did anyone come look at the bike when it was on ebay?
Hmm, if you knew someone looking for one of these bikes - or for instance a high end vintage track bike - and willing to pay you a grand to get them one then having a location set to anythin other than "UK" gives you a good place to start looking and it'd be worth your while to hang about around that area and do a little research like joining cycling forums etc.
Did anyone come look at the bike when it was on ebay?