Wotcha Honky , welcome ! The Cambridge Fixed thing is gaining momentum and is very diverse and not exclusive.If you're about on a thursday night drop by and say hello, after 9pm we're usually boozing in the Maypole being insular and petty.
I think we need to start a 'post yer bikes' thread..
I agree but can we call it "Pictures of Lily" ,my fave Who track from when i was a kid which i later discovered to my horror was all about wanking.
Wotcha Honky , welcome ! The Cambridge Fixed thing is gaining momentum and is very diverse and not exclusive.If you're about on a thursday night drop by and say hello, after 9pm we're usually boozing in the Maypole being insular and petty.
I agree but can we call it "Pictures of Lily" ,my fave Who track from when i was a kid which i later discovered to my horror was all about wanking.