Well apart from astutely timed windscreen wiper squirts and the odd egg, the worst thing I've had thrown at me was batteries - the big fat fuckers, out of a chav car window, at my head. They didn't hit but one skimmed my ear and then hit and damaged a wall next to the pavement. I told the busies but then lost the ref ID so couldn't follow it up - I'm afraid I'll have to presume that they did fuck all about it though.
The first thing they asked me at the station was effectively 'well did you deserve it?'.
Well apart from astutely timed windscreen wiper squirts and the odd egg, the worst thing I've had thrown at me was batteries - the big fat fuckers, out of a chav car window, at my head. They didn't hit but one skimmed my ear and then hit and damaged a wall next to the pavement. I told the busies but then lost the ref ID so couldn't follow it up - I'm afraid I'll have to presume that they did fuck all about it though.
The first thing they asked me at the station was effectively 'well did you deserve it?'.