first time: when you, shins and I were spinning to south polo in vauxhall - you managed to upset a couple of badboys
second time: last track day. you were perhaps blissfully unaware during your pro-america rant but you were once again upsetting one of the natives.
i'll give you no.2 as i don't remember most of that night, and am, and would like to remain blissfully unaware of what i did before vomiting off the roof.
But No. 1 was more of a want to stab, then want to punch, thing.
i'll give you no.2 as i don't remember most of that night, and am, and would like to remain blissfully unaware of what i did before vomiting off the roof.
But No. 1 was more of a want to stab, then want to punch, thing.