I’ve started to build my bike and I’ve realised that I’ve bought the wrong size Phil BB – 108 instead of 110.5. I’ve got about 4mm of thread sticking out on the drive side with none showing on the non-drive side. I’m tempted to use it whilst the new BB is on its way but do you think I’ll damage anything? Not that bothered about the BB itself but the BB Shell.
I think it's too small because the chain ring teeth are up against the outside of the chain while the sprocket teeth are up against the inside of the chain.
I’ve started to build my bike and I’ve realised that I’ve bought the wrong size Phil BB – 108 instead of 110.5. I’ve got about 4mm of thread sticking out on the drive side with none showing on the non-drive side. I’m tempted to use it whilst the new BB is on its way but do you think I’ll damage anything? Not that bothered about the BB itself but the BB Shell.
I think it's too small because the chain ring teeth are up against the outside of the chain while the sprocket teeth are up against the inside of the chain.
What do you think?