it's ironic, as I'm captain anal when it comes to cyclist and obeying road rules...e.g. never go through a red, even if just a pedestrian crossing with no one on it, never riding on pavement etc...
However, not gonna let it change me....
Plus, hopefully fat payout for a new bike!
since when assuming every vehicle on the road is driven poorly mean you´ll have to break some rules? all it mean is that you just have to be a lots more aware, i.e. if you´re going through a junction, assumed the car in front of you is going to turn left, even if the car isn´t incidating.
since when assuming every vehicle on the road is driven poorly mean you´ll have to break some rules? all it mean is that you just have to be a lots more aware, i.e. if you´re going through a junction, assumed the car in front of you is going to turn left, even if the car isn´t incidating.
that sort of stuff.