The rust is pretty superficial, looks like it could be easily dealt with after a good clean up and a bit of sanding, a bit more work will be needed where the parts have been ground off, probably using a file or a grinder if you're good with that kinda thing.
Not sure what to say weight wise, it doesn't feel too heavy but I know bugger all about what a heavy/light frame should feel like, apologies !!
More than welcome to come by and have a gander if you want.
The rust is pretty superficial, looks like it could be easily dealt with after a good clean up and a bit of sanding, a bit more work will be needed where the parts have been ground off, probably using a file or a grinder if you're good with that kinda thing.
Not sure what to say weight wise, it doesn't feel too heavy but I know bugger all about what a heavy/light frame should feel like, apologies !!
More than welcome to come by and have a gander if you want.