If you wish- would we have to cycle to the ring and then settle it like Gentlemen?
No, we'd have to cycle into the ring (how you get through the ropes will denote your extra style points awarded by a panel of judges) then glove up and duke it out all the while maintaining a no-handed trackstand and slaughtering as many puppies as possible. The loser has to then ceremonially destroy their most treasured bike (a more financially disturbing prospect for you than me quite possibly) using nothing but their battered and bloodied face.
No, we'd have to cycle into the ring (how you get through the ropes will denote your extra style points awarded by a panel of judges) then glove up and duke it out all the while maintaining a no-handed trackstand and slaughtering as many puppies as possible. The loser has to then ceremonially destroy their most treasured bike (a more financially disturbing prospect for you than me quite possibly) using nothing but their battered and bloodied face.
oh, and the 50 notes should be a good incentive.