Silly me, it'll far more likely earn interest as a fire hazard under the mattress or in a price fluctuating commodity of precious metals.
It may remain effectively static, it will also remain safe. Other financial advice really should be personalised to the individual, such as mortgage overpayment (banks quire interested in this at the moment) and fringe investments.
i think the meaning/interpretation got a mixed up there (on both sides) along with some irony thrown in.
i was referring to the fact that the opportunity to buy gold and make a healthy profit had probably passed as those that had the foresight had done that a year ago. and that having over 50k to save has nothing to do with it as split between 2 UK backed banks it's safe.and safer than deflating in value under a mattress. (albeit not growing in real value very much) if you think we are about to enter a post financial apocalypse then maybe it's a good idea (along with tinned food, guns and diesel generators)
it's just an opinion, i'm not giving financial advice as im not regulated by the FSA :-)
i think the meaning/interpretation got a mixed up there (on both sides) along with some irony thrown in.
i was referring to the fact that the opportunity to buy gold and make a healthy profit had probably passed as those that had the foresight had done that a year ago. and that having over 50k to save has nothing to do with it as split between 2 UK backed banks it's safe.and safer than deflating in value under a mattress. (albeit not growing in real value very much) if you think we are about to enter a post financial apocalypse then maybe it's a good idea (along with tinned food, guns and diesel generators)
it's just an opinion, i'm not giving financial advice as im not regulated by the FSA :-)