• #2
never seen before but looks like fun, if you get to buy them, tell us how it is.
• #3
I REEEEEEEEEEEEAAAALlY WANT THOSE!! buy them! buy them! then tell US if they are shit or not!
• #4
Riding through London causing seizures from every epileptic person who walks by.
• #5
Riding through London causing seizures from every epileptic person who walks by.
We've got to weed them out somehow.
On further investigation...
You can make your own: http://www.ladyada.net/make/spokepov/make.html
And another company: http://www.hokeyspokes.com/specs.htmPeace
• #6
I almost have fits from some of the flashing lights people have on their bikes normally
• #7
"Users can input their own text message
(up to 16 characters)"now i want one too, badly
• #8
having a circuit board on my wheel seems like a disaster waiting to happen frankly.
what if it comes loose ? and jams the spokes...plus it will get nicked in a matter of nanoseconds. -
• #9
Remember where you are.. .style over function, over everything else.
Besides, its not like anyone on here actually rides their bike, they just push their "my little pony" along looking apathetic.
• #10
The first link triggered this.
The File You Attempted to Download Contains the Mal/ObfJS-A Virus. For Your Protection, This File Has Been Blocked.
• #11
Um.. check your batteries peeps.. so many people out there with blinky lights that just aren't blinking.
And before you say it. Cfucking+ thread. Bite me.
• #12
Or in my case don't forget to turn them on. Road most of the way home on Friday night with my front light on but in my befuddled state had attached but not turned on my reat light.
• #13
knog frogs get my vote
• #14
Monkeylectric or something like do wild ones
• #15
these will be coming on the night ride
hell yeah
• #16
So tempted right now...
Actually - To hell with it. There's a discount for the pair and free shipping - It'd be a crime not to...
[/orders unnecessary tat with sorely lacking funds]
• #17
knog frogs get my vote
Frogs FTW but how about these bad boys for some Cruizer (sic) style, heh heh, go rolling with the Boy Racer crews
• #18
So tempted right now...
Actually - To hell with it. There's a discount for the pair and free shipping - It'd be a crime not to...
[/orders unnecessary tat with sorely lacking funds]
- 1 he he
too true
- 1 he he
I'm gonna get me a pair of these...
Anyone have any experience of them? How water proof and resilient are they?
Actually.... scratch that... check these out!