Something like this happened to me once. I consumed vast quantities of alcohol. Beer, wine, Champage, Whiskey, Brandy. A ridiculous amount over 12 hours. I woke up ( in my flat ) minus everything. It turns out I had been mugged - I only know cos I phoned my wife - who was out looking for me after it happened and garbled away at her. Anyway, I had a massive cut on my head, covered in bruises and was basically fucked. That was the most fucked I had ever been in my life and it was so bad I have got no where near that bad again and I never will.
Not trying to preach here, but the events of the night should be a lesson to know your limits and don't exceed them. Then the experience will have not been a complete waste and you can move forward. Thats how I looked at it anyway.
I hope you find your stuff though. Good luck
A lesson has definitely been learnt this time. Not only because of the bike.
Bad luck fresh ! I will keep an eye out Camden/Primrose Hill and general North London-ish.
If it makes you feel any better I have done the same, gone out with bike, massive booze up, started back home on my bike (Lamb's Conduit Street to Hampstead) next thing I am on the sofa at around 2am face streaming with blood down one side - bike gone, no clue as to where - anywhere at all - it might be.
I feel your pain !! It's all very well losing a loved one, but you need to find the body to lay the whole thing to rest.
A lesson has definitely been learnt this time. Not only because of the bike.
Thanks. Appreciate the help.