• #127
I caught the second half on my old phone (was a few years back), but not the full glory. the recording was slightly obstructed by my brother laughing too. although massive farts are excellent entertainment my stomach hurt so much after eating that much cabbage that I wouldn't recommend it.
• #128
@skully - next time try stuffing something in your bottom aswell. -
• #129
I would recommend roast Jerusalem Atichokes for this.
• #130
i dun a poo
• #131
in my pants
• #132
I love my fixed and it's slightly uncomfortable awkwardness from being built on a Carbolite frame that's not really the right geometry for me. I love the challenge of learning everywhere I usually freewheel and the smug satisfaction I get from remembering to brake properly and not reaching for the levers. I love rocking around town with people not quite knowing that I don't operate in the same way as them, reading traffic in ways they don't understand.
But the confession is that I dearly love gears as well. I love both methods of control and whilst I'm really glad I've built up a fixed, I don't think I'll ever give up my geared bikes.
also now that i ride fixed i now know what a prat i used to look like when i tried to trackstand at traffic lights with my geared bike.
• #133
I confess that I love that look on a pedestrian's face when they're crossing a pelican crossing when they're not supposed to and shit themselves as they realise that the road is in fact not empty and I'm split-seconds away from riding into them. It's times like those I wish I had a camcorder!
• #134
i've never rollerskated in my life.
It makes me feel great. -
• #135
i wish i was a little bit taller
• #136
i wish i was a baller
• #137
i wish i had a girl who looked good i would call her
• #138
I wish I had a rabbit in a hat with a bat.
• #139
and a '64 impala.
im also a bit bored today.
• #140
I bought my dog a pink shirt and it's not Rapha... shameface
• #141
is he bumming the dog?
• #142
would you like him to be bumming the dog? :)
• #143
ideally not
• #144
if you ever change your mind....
:) -
• #145
guy, neg'd for rickrolling. sorry mate but it was never funny, even in the 1980s
• #146
who is this rapha small guy? does he ride a geared flat bar, quite short, kinda camp? looks like he's near enough getting on a bit? courier?
• #147
dont be sour fred...
• #148
RPM, we're waiting...
• #149
I have to get off and push up the final bit of forest hill road on my way home
Another beast of a hill.
• #150
Confession time ??
OK .............
I ate all the pies
whoa,that is amazing,
Is there any Audio of it?