i was thinking about buying these until i realised what a load of bollocks they are. they cost !!!£70!!! and are essentially the same as the era (which is £35-40). oh yeah, and they come with a matching vans-branded saddle bag which no-one in there right mind would ever dream of using. also didn't think i'd be able to look at myself in the mirror again after having bought 'fixed gear' shoes. so i went down to the vans shop and bought some ordinary eras. job done.
i was thinking about buying these until i realised what a load of bollocks they are. they cost !!!£70!!! and are essentially the same as the era (which is £35-40). oh yeah, and they come with a matching vans-branded saddle bag which no-one in there right mind would ever dream of using. also didn't think i'd be able to look at myself in the mirror again after having bought 'fixed gear' shoes. so i went down to the vans shop and bought some ordinary eras. job done.