Trying to remove some MKS pedals to make way for some sassy Speedplay Frogs.
These things are tighter than a nuns knickers and aren't budging.
First port of call, Sheldon. His advice is to remove crank arm and heat pedal n arm over the hob? Before I go down this route, does anyone have any other advice (apart from HTFU and chew them off!!)?
Trying to remove some MKS pedals to make way for some sassy Speedplay Frogs.
These things are tighter than a nuns knickers and aren't budging.
First port of call, Sheldon. His advice is to remove crank arm and heat pedal n arm over the hob? Before I go down this route, does anyone have any other advice (apart from HTFU and chew them off!!)?
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks!