isn't that what your eyes are for? looking for hazards, the last thing i want is for anyone to get hurt, but posting that you thinking[/i]about compensation is a bit it's totally whack. I hope he stays safe, but you have a responsibility to look up ahead at potential hazards, i'd say roadworks with all their dayglo finery represent a braking moment if ever i've seen one.
Yeah, I agree - Wools, you're a tit! Look I hate the HSE and the wrapped in cotton wool attitude that seems the norm these days. Maybe I'm just a bit jumpy because I go down that road twice a day and know how hairy it gets. However, I don't think he has mentioned actually being after compensation (I could be wrong) more questioning why something like this was allowed to happen - yes, I know it was only a bit of plastic but it was enough to make him come off his bike. I'm also pretty sure if it fell towards me as I passed, I would have swerved before I'd registered it wasn't going to kill me, it's instinct. I may be mistaken again but I think the cyclist killed down there recently had swerved a manhole cover they didn't see until the last minute.
Yeah, I agree - Wools, you're a tit! Look I hate the HSE and the wrapped in cotton wool attitude that seems the norm these days. Maybe I'm just a bit jumpy because I go down that road twice a day and know how hairy it gets. However, I don't think he has mentioned actually being after compensation (I could be wrong) more questioning why something like this was allowed to happen - yes, I know it was only a bit of plastic but it was enough to make him come off his bike. I'm also pretty sure if it fell towards me as I passed, I would have swerved before I'd registered it wasn't going to kill me, it's instinct. I may be mistaken again but I think the cyclist killed down there recently had swerved a manhole cover they didn't see until the last minute.