It could be but it is not conclusive. It is best never to apologise or if you do, ensure that the apology is clearly a politeness such as "I am sorry that I hit you but I had no alternative as you stepped out in front of me without warning". It is not a bad idea to extract an apology from the other party as one can then seek to use it but don't be too transparent. If they do apologise, remember the exact words that they used, note them down as quickly as possible afterwards. Respond in a way that they and witnesses will also remember.
It could be but it is not conclusive. It is best never to apologise or if you do, ensure that the apology is clearly a politeness such as "I am sorry that I hit you but I had no alternative as you stepped out in front of me without warning". It is not a bad idea to extract an apology from the other party as one can then seek to use it but don't be too transparent. If they do apologise, remember the exact words that they used, note them down as quickly as possible afterwards. Respond in a way that they and witnesses will also remember.