Tis true though, unipacks don't exactly come with a 'complete set up'. My friend turned up to hyde park on one, with the risers upside down. Full list of errors:
Handlebars were loose
both brake levers were loose
Headset was loose
Rear brake was loose
All but one of the crank bolts were loose, the one that wasn't loose was missing altogether
Saddle was loose, like so loose it was literally falling off the seatpost (which wasn't loose, but was pointing off 10 degrees to one side)
Rear tire was almost completely flat
Chain... guess.
My friend's fly was also loose.
Some people should not be trusted with mechanical objects.
Spokes loose? Well, tighten 'em! :)
Tis true though, unipacks don't exactly come with a 'complete set up'. My friend turned up to hyde park on one, with the risers upside down. Full list of errors:
Some people should not be trusted with mechanical objects.