We take words for granted, but they are so important. When you lose words, or their meaning changes, you lose the ability to express yourself.
It's like learning a language : When you speak 2 different languages, you become two different people, in a sense, because the language is different, and as a result, you think differently, and express yourself differently. But when you speak no language properly, either through lack of education, or certain meanings changing, then you can't express yourself properly because you haven't got the words to. Calling someone a cunt won't mean the same thing, so i'll have to find another word. But shit - there'll be no other words left. Nigger and Paki are quite controversial words, and they have already caused divisions in society, because they mean very different things to different people. It's good in a way, because they have become words of empowerment, but cunt has not been, and has no intention to be reclaimed by women.
Besides, even if *you *don't find it offensive and are quite at ease with the word, a lot of people do, so in the same way people would think twice about using the word nigger, i think people should think twice before using the word cunt. So it's still bad manners and really, just plain vulgar. Obviously, there's a place for it, but not in every fucking thread, and as this forum grows, manners will become more important than ever, because I don't think new members should come on and think it's perfectly acceptable.
We take words for granted, but they are so important. When you lose words, or their meaning changes, you lose the ability to express yourself.
It's like learning a language : When you speak 2 different languages, you become two different people, in a sense, because the language is different, and as a result, you think differently, and express yourself differently. But when you speak no language properly, either through lack of education, or certain meanings changing, then you can't express yourself properly because you haven't got the words to. Calling someone a cunt won't mean the same thing, so i'll have to find another word. But shit - there'll be no other words left. Nigger and Paki are quite controversial words, and they have already caused divisions in society, because they mean very different things to different people. It's good in a way, because they have become words of empowerment, but cunt has not been, and has no intention to be reclaimed by women.
Besides, even if *you *don't find it offensive and are quite at ease with the word, a lot of people do, so in the same way people would think twice about using the word nigger, i think people should think twice before using the word cunt. So it's still bad manners and really, just plain vulgar. Obviously, there's a place for it, but not in every fucking thread, and as this forum grows, manners will become more important than ever, because I don't think new members should come on and think it's perfectly acceptable.