• Great ride everyone.

    Good to meet new faces Turd=Aidan.

    We may have got stuck over night but i think the general tiredness and sheer joke of calling taxi companies to find out how much it would be for four people and 'sports equipment' to get to London made it a proper adventure. Once we accepted we were screwed we indulged in the local atmosphere and culture, as Ma3k put it "we saw a tank and left". My advice is don't get stuck in Ashford it's not nearly as shite as people say it is. upside is the train cost £8 (which i will get to you this week John, we realized as soon as we were off the train)
    Didn't make south drinks as i thought it would be a good idea to play knee wars (imagine tumb wars but with knees) with a friend and slightly injured myself. Hopefully i will catch you all again soon.
    Geeza in the colmuns mustard jersey thank you for the light i think we would have had a slight problem coming back from the beech without it, if you PM me we'll work out a way of it getting back to you.
    Cheers again everyone. Was a great day.
