• #2
get this.. and HTFU!
• #3
your first tattoo is going to bo fixed related? can i ask how long you've been riding? just curious. i always say no regrets about all these things, but you have to sometimes think about the life of the tattoo. go with the old school rocket. and go big, small first tattoos suck :D
• #4
your first tattoo is going to bo fixed related? can i ask how long you've been riding? just curious. i always say no regrets about all these things, but you have to sometimes think about the life of the tattoo. go with the old school rocket. and go big, small first tattoos suck :D
• #5
Riding bikes? Since i was 12. Bought my first bike with proceeds from a paper round.
Riding fixed? For 3 years on a converted singlespeed Kona Kilauea. Now fixed on a Kona Paddy Wagon. Still waiting for the inevitable eBay project frame! -
• #6
get a good tattoo artist bad tattoos suck
• #7
An old workmate of mine had his girlfriends name done on his arm, and the 'artist' spelt it wrong..:)
She left him not long after...he never even bothered to get it changed/covered.
• #8
Johnny Depp had 'Winona Forever' when he was with Winona Ryder. When they split up he had it changed to 'Wino Forever'. Fuckin' right!
• #9
Someone I know had 'Reason to Beleive' on her back - few hundred pounds' worth of laser treatment to correct that one...
• #10
In the late sevenites a headbanger skin had "fuck off" tattooed on his forehead. He caused outrage wherever he went and was brought to trial. It was agreed his forehead was an obscene publication. The judge got in a flummox and arrived at a solution. He ordered the skin to have "don't" written above it.
No idea if this is based on truth but it creased me when I heard it..
• #11
Someone I know had 'Reason to Beleive' on her back - few hundred pounds' worth of laser treatment to correct that one...
And she never wen't back to the 'Christopher Crash' tattoo parlour ever again!
• #12
An old workmate of mine had his girlfriends name done on his arm, and the 'artist' spelt it wrong..:)
She left him not long after...he never even bothered to get it changed/covered.
yeah work mate! ;) -
• #13
i kinda regret my frist tatoo, its not as cool as i thought it was when i was 18 and drunk, but it reminds me of how much i like being young and stupid and drunk, and the people i was with, so for that reason i like it. i say get what strikes your fancy now, and even if you dont like the way it looks later, you can still like rembering why you got that tat. oh and get it some where you dont have to look at it all the time.
• #14
get it some where you dont have to look at it all the time.
Behind your eyeballs?
• #15
on your (scotts) ass.
• #16
Behind your eyeballs?
on your eyelids surely. and just always look at yourself with both eyes open
• #17
on your (scotts) ass.
Yeah....like you don't look at it often!
• #18
search for any picture you like and find a decent artist to make that into a tattooable thing. DO NOT search for a tattoo you like and ask the artist to recreate it.
Remember that you can tell an artist you are unhappy with their work and make constructive criticsm, find another artist before having the tattoo. It is a lot harder after the event.
• #19
Take ya pic!
http://www.flickr.com/groups/498605@N25/pool/ -
• #20
This might just be the one!
1 Attachment
• #21
I'm 38 and should know better according to my wife!
I'm with your Missus...
(Not literally). -
• #22
You might be right. Changed my mind and might go for this . . .
1 Attachment
• #23
I have LXIX on my fingers.... favorite gear ;)
(Actually i run 71", but what the fuck... oh, and LXIX is also a reference to a squad i was once part of) -
• #24
get this:
• #25
I have LXIX on my fingers.... favorite gear ;)
(Actually i run 71", but what the fuck... oh, and LXIX is also a reference to a squad i was once part of)oh you scaly-wag you.......69 hehehe!!
I'm after a 1st fixed gear related tattoo and a 50's/60's stylised rocket/spaceship tattoo. Any suggestions? P.S. I'm 38 and should know better according to my wife!