I'll print a load of these off today and distribute. Oh and a short note:
Dear Mr Roadie on the Blue TT frame this morning on Kennington Road
There really was no need to undertake me whilst I was riding a foot and a half away from the curb in a bus lane, and then gesture to me that I should be riding closer to the curb.
As I said when I caught you at the lights, that really is the safest place to be. I'm sorry if it makes it 'harder for you to overtake me' but just because you've been riding like that 'for the past 25 years and have never had an accident' doesnt mean its right.
I'd really like to sit down and discuss this matter further but you seemed in a hurry to get away.
I was about to comment on how nice your bike was before you frankly disappointed me in a big way.
I'll print a load of these off today and distribute. Oh and a short note:
Dear Mr Roadie on the Blue TT frame this morning on Kennington Road
There really was no need to undertake me whilst I was riding a foot and a half away from the curb in a bus lane, and then gesture to me that I should be riding closer to the curb.
As I said when I caught you at the lights, that really is the safest place to be. I'm sorry if it makes it 'harder for you to overtake me' but just because you've been riding like that 'for the past 25 years and have never had an accident' doesnt mean its right.
I'd really like to sit down and discuss this matter further but you seemed in a hurry to get away.
I was about to comment on how nice your bike was before you frankly disappointed me in a big way.
Disappointed Charge Plug of Colliers Wood.
(sorry had to rant)