• Sorry to oppose your viewpoint, BB, because I'm usually 100% behind your perspective and the actions that you take.

    However, whilst the cyclists who were killed did not intentionally put themselves in harms way, their ignorance of their situation did.

    I agree entirely that drivers of HGVs owe a duty of care to other road users, but at the end of the day we've all got to take care of ourselves and not rely on anyone else.

    Whatever penalties are threatened upon drivers of HGVs, buses, cabs etc, it won't matter to these people as much as it will to us. When the shit hits the fan (and this will be the first moment at which this issue actually hits home for 99% of drivers), only then will those drivers actually give this situation any thought.

    Achieving a sea change in driver attitudes must be seen as a long-term goal.

    Educating individual cyclists to ensure their own safety must surely be a valid short-term goal.

    Lorries dont kill people, badly trained driivers do, same as in a car, on a motorbike or on a bicycle, whats needed is better road education

    As a former goods driver, i can tell you that any sort of spoke cadr saying Lorries Kill is going to do a lot more worse than good, it will antagonise the drivers more than anything else.

    Half the problem with road safety campaigns is they always appear to come from the lunatic fringe of cyclists to the general public, and as such get dismissed as irelevant or to far fetched, and calling for a ban on HGV's is the same shit.

    All forms of transport need to work together, too often one policy is implemented to the benefit of one group of users that disadvantages another, for example the use of Motorbikes in Bus Lanes that has become a farce.

    Worse? Well, the rate at which London cyclists are being killed by LGVs is actually going up.

    As you say, lorries don't kill people, negligent people kill people. So, yeah, let's get the operators to engage. Which the vast majority haven't up until now. Why haven't they? Maybe they don't give a shit.

    Perhaps if a ban on LGVs is seriously discussed, they will start to give a shit. At the moment, the operators get to use this resource, ie the roads of London, and aren't paying the full cost. Who is paying for the ambulances to carry the dead and injured to hospital? Who paid for Effri's 24 days in hospital and 4 operations? Who is paying for the cops to spend half a day on the scene of collisions trying to disprove (in Effri's case) the blatant lies of the driver?

    Not the f***ing operators.

    I am not against trying to educate cyclists, but focussing on the left-turn thing doesn't give the whole picture.
