@MacDingle - yep i'll throw it out with the response when it comes back
Agree but a bit of track day magic was brought about through connections. Those same people + a bit more forum effort could put together a leaflet for shops and a web page for both TFL and London Gov giving simple cycle safety facts.
Once complete we get the buy in of CTC and other cycle forums\groups, combined with the letter to the Gov Bill can draft and you got a little movement
Bill can't do it on his own cause the fight is on so many fronts, lets pull in the remit to what we can achieve?
maybe if more folk better understand the risks of lorries, they will see the flaws in the london cycle network, bus lanes, street signs etc and start to make noise.
@MacDingle - yep i'll throw it out with the response when it comes back
Agree but a bit of track day magic was brought about through connections. Those same people + a bit more forum effort could put together a leaflet for shops and a web page for both TFL and London Gov giving simple cycle safety facts.
Once complete we get the buy in of CTC and other cycle forums\groups, combined with the letter to the Gov Bill can draft and you got a little movement
Bill can't do it on his own cause the fight is on so many fronts, lets pull in the remit to what we can achieve?
maybe if more folk better understand the risks of lorries, they will see the flaws in the london cycle network, bus lanes, street signs etc and start to make noise.
Baby steps