Amusing incident last night as some young fellow (not sure he was a hipster, as he was riding an MTB) at Old St got distracted by 2 attractive members of the fairer sex, looked up, realised he had to stop quickly and generally just wound up grinding unflatteringly along the kerb and railing before ending up in an embarassed heap at the red light. Couldn't help but smile a little.
Gonna stop lurking and actually post something...
Amusing incident last night as some young fellow (not sure he was a hipster, as he was riding an MTB) at Old St got distracted by 2 attractive members of the fairer sex, looked up, realised he had to stop quickly and generally just wound up grinding unflatteringly along the kerb and railing before ending up in an embarassed heap at the red light. Couldn't help but smile a little.
Oh, and Hi everyone.