Those resposnible for maintaining roads need to spend some money and get work done - at least then its easier to cycle in a staright line.How many pot holes do you see every day?
On top of that the police should actually do something about lorries who pass riders giving them at all of 12" of space -its always waste/aggregate/skip wagons isnt it?
It would be good to see the cctv cameras actually put to good use for this
Those resposnible for maintaining roads need to spend some money and get work done - at least then its easier to cycle in a staright line.How many pot holes do you see every day?
On top of that the police should actually do something about lorries who pass riders giving them at all of 12" of space -its always waste/aggregate/skip wagons isnt it?
It would be good to see the cctv cameras actually put to good use for this