I find I've been getting cycling dreams recently. they tend to happen if i have been cycling around after a few beers in the evening.
Most recent one I was dreaming I was cycling round north London when I crashed in to a pedestrian standing in the middle of a bus lane, giving me nowehere to go. Another dream was where i cycled up a huge ramp which ended up being so large i fell backwards off it and woke up when i hit the deck. other than the random endings the dreaming of cycling is always pretty fun.
I find I've been getting cycling dreams recently. they tend to happen if i have been cycling around after a few beers in the evening.
Most recent one I was dreaming I was cycling round north London when I crashed in to a pedestrian standing in the middle of a bus lane, giving me nowehere to go. Another dream was where i cycled up a huge ramp which ended up being so large i fell backwards off it and woke up when i hit the deck. other than the random endings the dreaming of cycling is always pretty fun.
anyone else get the old cycling dreams?