I should also point out that I don't believe in good old saint nicholas.
Firstly I'm not a christian so feel no need to celebrate the, clearly appropriated from the pagans, date of Jesus Christs birthday.
Secondly, I'm against pointless ownership of stuff, possession of anything superfluous is a crime perpetrated by those who fall for the propoganda of consumerism.
Thirdly, you're still a cunt.
I should also point out that I don't believe in good old saint nicholas.
Firstly I'm not a christian so feel no need to celebrate the, clearly appropriated from the pagans, date of Jesus Christs birthday.
Secondly, I'm against pointless ownership of stuff, possession of anything superfluous is a crime perpetrated by those who fall for the propoganda of consumerism.
Thirdly, you're still a cunt.