er... I was talking about saving for an annuity that would leave you starving for the last twenty years of your life, inflation was just something I mentioned along the way to explain why you can't just put savings under the mattress. Specifically because you mentioned putting money into pension funds as a form of greed. I think you are currently living in a world of yuppiedom and have this notion that a pension is something a CFO gets to buy his yacht with when he retires. For most people it's an often meagre income to see out their days after working hard long hours all their lives.
er... I was talking about saving for an annuity that would leave you starving for the last twenty years of your life, inflation was just something I mentioned along the way to explain why you can't just put savings under the mattress. Specifically because you mentioned putting money into pension funds as a form of greed. I think you are currently living in a world of yuppiedom and have this notion that a pension is something a CFO gets to buy his yacht with when he retires. For most people it's an often meagre income to see out their days after working hard long hours all their lives.