Once I bought a cheap cog to try a higher ratio than the one I usually ride and, when it arrived, the threads of the cog were so badly done that I never dared to fit in the hub: it didn't screw smoothly more than one turn. The last thing you want is to ruin a relatively expensive hub (and wheel too) just to fit a crap cog. Apart from that, there are also important differences in terms of the quality of the steel, of the machining of the teeth, weight, etc...
A Shimano cog will sort you out for 15 quid.
Not as shiny as the EAI, but well-finished and reliable.
All cogs are equal, but not identical...
Once I bought a cheap cog to try a higher ratio than the one I usually ride and, when it arrived, the threads of the cog were so badly done that I never dared to fit in the hub: it didn't screw smoothly more than one turn. The last thing you want is to ruin a relatively expensive hub (and wheel too) just to fit a crap cog. Apart from that, there are also important differences in terms of the quality of the steel, of the machining of the teeth, weight, etc...
A Shimano cog will sort you out for 15 quid.
Not as shiny as the EAI, but well-finished and reliable.