I've always had the idea of faking falling asleep while waiting for you turn after you've reported you've got a concussion. Can it not be dangerous to sleep with one for too long? If so, they should come and check on you and you say you feel a bit weird, I'd be hoping they take you in faster. Haven't had a concussion since I was 14 and I went in with an ambulance and don't remember much. But it's worth a try.
I've always had the idea of faking falling asleep while waiting for you turn after you've reported you've got a concussion. Can it not be dangerous to sleep with one for too long? If so, they should come and check on you and you say you feel a bit weird, I'd be hoping they take you in faster. Haven't had a concussion since I was 14 and I went in with an ambulance and don't remember much. But it's worth a try.