[quote=cg5154;296101]I'm sure you're right. But again... just because it's tax-efficient, doesn't mean it's worth any less to the people receiving it. The complaint here is that the banks aren't sharing the wealth, isn't it? Well, they are, and it's not peanuts either.
I agree with the first bit in a day-to-day, let's-buy-a-Christmas-hamper-for-Mrs-Moggins kind of a way. But I don't think you see how it all works if you think the second bit is true. Tax reliefs can far supercede the "investment" in them, if I'm making myself clear, which I fear I'm not. Okay, crudely (an only illustratively) put: the bank gives 3 grand for every three grand; for that commitment it sees three and a half grand back in benefits.
[quote=cg5154;296101]I'm sure you're right. But again... just because it's tax-efficient, doesn't mean it's worth any less to the people receiving it. The complaint here is that the banks aren't sharing the wealth, isn't it? Well, they are, and it's not peanuts either.
I agree with the first bit in a day-to-day, let's-buy-a-Christmas-hamper-for-Mrs-Moggins kind of a way. But I don't think you see how it all works if you think the second bit is true. Tax reliefs can far supercede the "investment" in them, if I'm making myself clear, which I fear I'm not. Okay, crudely (an only illustratively) put: the bank gives 3 grand for every three grand; for that commitment it sees three and a half grand back in benefits.
This shit's deep....