• #152
My mum just signed up for Christsake!
That's why I left facebook.
• #153
That's why I left facebook.
yeah, she kept poking me and sending me hundreds of messages every day
• #154
I heard you kept poking her.
• #155
yeah, but that was around her house ;)
• #156
ah ah ah
• #157
facebook and mum jokes in one thread... lord have mercy.
• #159
what the devil is murtle doing with my helmet...
• #160
I remember my flatmate discovered Facebook way back, quite early on before all the publicity. We'd be sat in the living room, him on his laptop and every now and then he'd give out this 'Coorrrrr, look at her'
After about 30mins of this I went over to see what he was gettin excited about. He explained briefly what it was, what it does and its 'benefits' - went straight over my head
He proceeded to 'poke' random birds that he didn't even know.......WTF!?!?
It's for fucking perverts and it's nothing short of internet stalking!
It's for winners that can't interact in the real world and this is the saftey net that stops them from chatting up girls in reality
Why the hell would anyone wanna look at pics of 'wacky, crazy' people in fancy dress in a pub in Carshalton that they didn't even know or have any intention of meeting? Very odd.....you are moaning about facebook on a FORUM :p
• #161
you are moaning about facebook on a FORUM :p
........for bikes -
• #162
what the devil is murtle doing with my helmet...
this is why i can't wear one.
• #163
........for bikes
on a discussion about facebook.
• #164
on a discussion about facebook.
• #165
on a discussion about facebook.
And thats as close as it's gonna get in my life
• #166
so facebook has bought out Friendfeed which is interesting, one platform is close and the other open.. Alot of the friendfeed guys are ex googlers with Paul Buchheit
creator of Gmail now on the Facebook team.. interesting times.
Will Facebook be the new Google? -
• #167
will facebook be the next google?
hmmm, perhaps if they become a search engine.
• #168
no. google will be google. if friendfeed becomes something, it will be friendfeed.
• #169
Facebook + Friendfeed * Twitter = Facefeeder
• #170
Google = awesome
Facebook = zzz -
• #171
was thinking that social networks as it is now (big money) compares to Search in the 90's
The future and innovation is in social networks not search.
Wonder what facebook's secound play will be? -
• #172
Facebook's for weapons
• #173
Google killed my hamster.
• #174
Facebook's for tools
fixed withot the flip flop
• #175
was thinking that social networks as it is now (big money) compares to Search in the 90's
The future and innovation is in social networks not search.
Wonder what facebook's secound play will be?Err.. wtf?
How do you think businesses are found these days?
Where do you think google are getting the money to make mobile OS?
Arsebook will be dead in 3 years. Google will be bigger than ever.