You would think so asm, but once you include overseas shipping + dutys it costs a bomb! If I bought one here I cant bring it back with me because I already have to pay for some over sized shit I have to bring back. Blah blah blah. I'm going to just sit on the money I think and do some thinking as to what the best thing to do might be? I just thought if I bought a bike in the UK it would save me the hassle of shipping. I'll figure it out, I just need a bike. It keeps me sane.
You would think so asm, but once you include overseas shipping + dutys it costs a bomb! If I bought one here I cant bring it back with me because I already have to pay for some over sized shit I have to bring back. Blah blah blah. I'm going to just sit on the money I think and do some thinking as to what the best thing to do might be? I just thought if I bought a bike in the UK it would save me the hassle of shipping. I'll figure it out, I just need a bike. It keeps me sane.