Shit I have only just caught this, I blame festivals, pointless threads and Gerbils for me not noticing. WAC!
Get the fuck Better big man. That sucks the fat one, you'll be back on in not time but for now, sit back pipe on those good times tunes and keep those legs at the optimum 10 to 2 resting position.
When you get back you and fiddy can have a scar show/bruise show down. loser gets a new bruise!
Shit I have only just caught this, I blame festivals, pointless threads and Gerbils for me not noticing. WAC!
Get the fuck Better big man. That sucks the fat one, you'll be back on in not time but for now, sit back pipe on those good times tunes and keep those legs at the optimum 10 to 2 resting position.
When you get back you and fiddy can have a scar show/bruise show down. loser gets a new bruise!