Noticed last night that there's a part missing from my Opticube bracket - basically the stopper that prevents the band from coming off has gone missing, so it doesn't grip on properly anymore. Picture below - the part that's missing is the bit that has the Cateye logo on it.
Was just wondering if anyone has one of these going spare? I can get a new bracket from Wiggle for about £4 so it's no great loss, but thought I'd check here first.
Hey guys,
Noticed last night that there's a part missing from my Opticube bracket - basically the stopper that prevents the band from coming off has gone missing, so it doesn't grip on properly anymore. Picture below - the part that's missing is the bit that has the Cateye logo on it.
Was just wondering if anyone has one of these going spare? I can get a new bracket from Wiggle for about £4 so it's no great loss, but thought I'd check here first.
Cheers everyone.