I miss London, and after spending time away from it, I can happily say i want to move back.
Birmingham has it's purpose, but what is soooo noticable in the city centre, is that on a friday evening, all the business folk get the fuck out, and all the idiots and piss-heads come in... Full on for 48hours.
There is no sense of community here, with everyone giving it the "big-un" with their attitude.
There is no residential dwellings in the city, so no real "beers after work" feel, as everyone gets the hell out of the city. It sucks...
I miss London, and after spending time away from it, I can happily say i want to move back.
Birmingham has it's purpose, but what is soooo noticable in the city centre, is that on a friday evening, all the business folk get the fuck out, and all the idiots and piss-heads come in... Full on for 48hours.
There is no sense of community here, with everyone giving it the "big-un" with their attitude.
There is no residential dwellings in the city, so no real "beers after work" feel, as everyone gets the hell out of the city. It sucks...