i told a man off for this (moving ahead of you at lights) once and he called me, in a very posh voice, a "silly twit". I had no comeback at all and it bothers me even now
Would have thought, with all your many years on the road, that this sort of thing is water off a duck's back. I guess when someone uses a word like Twit it can be very disarming... must use that one. I like it. And you Berk. Although that one is actually quite rude but doesn't sound it to most people.
Would have thought, with all your many years on the road, that this sort of thing is water off a duck's back. I guess when someone uses a word like Twit it can be very disarming... must use that one. I like it. And you Berk. Although that one is actually quite rude but doesn't sound it to most people.
How about 'You Wally'?