I've recently realised that it's a good idea to switch off my bike's flashing LED lamps while taking an excessive-alcohol-induced piss in a dark alley or corner, as it probably looks a like some kind of a weird disco.
+1 for the giggle.
I have lost times the amount of times I have crashed riding pissed up.
However the stupidest time was when I saw a copper car and I thought to myself "make sure you ride nice and straight and don't wobble otherwise they'll pull you over".
The first thing I did was ride straight into the Curb and fall in a hedge. Luckily the cops must not have seen me.
+1 for the giggle.
I have lost times the amount of times I have crashed riding pissed up.
However the stupidest time was when I saw a copper car and I thought to myself "make sure you ride nice and straight and don't wobble otherwise they'll pull you over".
The first thing I did was ride straight into the Curb and fall in a hedge. Luckily the cops must not have seen me.