Getting home involved negotiating one of the busiest roads in the city and complicated muti-lane junctions.
I could bareley stand but decided to give it a shot because I needed to get home.
My eyes kept closing, and I kept zoning out. Id say I only had my 'wits' about 15% of the time. The road seemed so unfamiliar and so unusually busy. Yet so weary, I just wanted to ley down for a nap.
Got there eventually, even managed to trackstand at every opportunity.
Had an interesting experience recently.
Getting home involved negotiating one of the busiest roads in the city and complicated muti-lane junctions.
I could bareley stand but decided to give it a shot because I needed to get home.
My eyes kept closing, and I kept zoning out. Id say I only had my 'wits' about 15% of the time. The road seemed so unfamiliar and so unusually busy. Yet so weary, I just wanted to ley down for a nap.
Got there eventually, even managed to trackstand at every opportunity.
I felt lucky to get home.