• #27
Stood up, sat down, one-handed and no-handed.
Right would be more logical in the UK - the camber of the road makes balance easier. In fact the same is true of the track too.
Right = regular
Left = qoofyMight try it switch sometime...
The opposite from Skating/Surfing/Snowboarding then.
I'm a Goofy snowboarder (but ride switch) and a Regular Trackstander . . . go figure!
• #28
The few times I do kick a football about I use my left leg.
I am right handed but I play stick sports(golf and hockey) as a left hander. Yet if it's only one handed sticks like ping pong I'd do it as a right hander.
Can't way to try out polo, I'd probably ride the bike backwards pedaling with my hands and holding the polo stick between some toes.Cross-lateral?
• #29
Track-standing, bit of a personal question......... to the left or to the right?
The right... as if you were a lefty, you'd be riding down the banking !
• #30
The opposite from Skating/Surfing/Snowboarding then.
I'm a Goofy snowboarder (but ride switch) and a Regular Trackstander . . . go figure!
I am a Goofy surfer (right front) and track stand Goofy (left front). Very consistent.
• #31
True Gentlemen do it this way:
• #32
Haven't yet mastered the art but in my attempts I prefer my left foot forward and thus wheel to the left..
I kick a football predominantly with my left, a rugby ball predominantly with my right but can do both fairly competently with the other foot too.. Anyone else sling their bag over their right shoulder?
• #33
^... like a continental soldier?
• #34
The opposite from Skating/Surfing/Snowboarding then.
I'm a Goofy snowboarder (but ride switch) and a Regular Trackstander . . . go figure!
That was actually a bit devious of me - I assumed that because I'm a regular snowboarder, that would mean my right foot forward was regular on the bike.
• #35
I can do it just long enough for the lights to change to green, and if that means left, right, on my head, then that's what I do!
• #36
To the right OK (no-handed for about 30 secsonds before undignified scrabble for handle bars - Fiance - "but what's the point?" Me - "Errrrrrmmmmm........."
To the left - apparently like I am having an epileptic fit on a bike
• #37
Dr Doom............I think the answer is: 'because I can!'