^ Those millions of people would be disgusted at the amount of money you spend on anything. Food, clothes, Sky, broadband internet, holidays abroad, a pint at the pub... everything. The things that you take for granted as a "necessary" basic staple of life are, for those people, luxuries they can only dream of. They have about as much sympathy for you -- and me -- as you do for the owner of the Bentley.
My grandparents survived the Japanese occupation of China through 8 years of WWII. To this day, they refuse to throw a single scrap of food away, and they don't turn on the bathroom light in order to save electricity. My mother once scolded my grandfather for fishing a piece of orange out of the garbage, because whoever had eaten it previously didn't do a thorough enough job, and he couldn't bear to see it go to waste.
If I told them I spent £450 on a bike, plus £60 for insurance, and £70 for locks, they would consider that to be extravagance of the highest order.
^ Those millions of people would be disgusted at the amount of money you spend on anything. Food, clothes, Sky, broadband internet, holidays abroad, a pint at the pub... everything. The things that you take for granted as a "necessary" basic staple of life are, for those people, luxuries they can only dream of. They have about as much sympathy for you -- and me -- as you do for the owner of the Bentley.
My grandparents survived the Japanese occupation of China through 8 years of WWII. To this day, they refuse to throw a single scrap of food away, and they don't turn on the bathroom light in order to save electricity. My mother once scolded my grandfather for fishing a piece of orange out of the garbage, because whoever had eaten it previously didn't do a thorough enough job, and he couldn't bear to see it go to waste.
If I told them I spent £450 on a bike, plus £60 for insurance, and £70 for locks, they would consider that to be extravagance of the highest order.