I was slightly serious with the last comment though. There's very little need for new threads now. Almost everything has been covered before, it would only take people to use the search properly and patiently for no more new threads to be required.
Having said that, Chris, you muthafucker, you started this new thread on numpty newbies, but an hour ago you neg rep'd for bringing up Dale's thread from a week ago about the same thing!
One more thing whilst I'm on my horse. I've noticed a distinct drop in standards of both flaming and abusive tags. I'm very disappointed in you all.
xox platini.
I was slightly serious with the last comment though. There's very little need for new threads now. Almost everything has been covered before, it would only take people to use the search properly and patiently for no more new threads to be required.
Having said that, Chris, you muthafucker, you started this new thread on numpty newbies, but an hour ago you neg rep'd for bringing up Dale's thread from a week ago about the same thing!
One more thing whilst I'm on my horse. I've noticed a distinct drop in standards of both flaming and abusive tags. I'm very disappointed in you all.