The queue of outstanding orders (not yet paid, but set aside) is:
VanUden 1 x Airfix T-shirt Extra Large Cotton
cori2382 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
benanza 1 x WAC T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Murtle 1 x WAC T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Paulio 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Large Bamboo
plignboot 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Medium Bamboo
livingasleep 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Medium Bamboo
livingasleep 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Dzidzor 1 x WAC T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Dzidzor 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Dzidzor 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
VanUden 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Extra Large Cotton
yebo 1 x Airfix T-shirt Large Bamboo
yebo 1 x Airfix T-shirt Extra Large Cotton
tomasito 1 x WAC T-shirt Small Cotton
Dylan 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Large Bamboo
Synthman 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Synthman 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Medium Bamboo
xsheepx 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Medium Bamboo
xsheepx 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
DocA 1 x WAC T-shirt Large Bamboo
DocA 1 x Airfix T-shirt Large Bamboo
DocA 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
carlito sway 1 x Rabbit T-shirt Medium Bamboo
danger joel 1 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
Mini..Cooper 2 x Airfix T-shirt Medium Bamboo
This is ordered by the date the order was placed, so should roughly mimic the original list.
If your name is not on that list and you think you have T-Shirts to pay for... I don't have your order and you'll need to look at the Stock Levels posted above and let me know what you want to order.
The queue of outstanding orders (not yet paid, but set aside) is:
This is ordered by the date the order was placed, so should roughly mimic the original list.
If your name is not on that list and you think you have T-Shirts to pay for... I don't have your order and you'll need to look at the Stock Levels posted above and let me know what you want to order.