I also don't know whats that sick about being anti-abortion. It's a point of view and in most cases its about concern for an unborn life. To dismiss that as loony thinking is a tad unfair in my book. (btw I am not pro-life just think the debate gets polarised by both sides too quick)
Sorry I should make myself clear. I think that being totaly extreamist about it and not exepting that there is a choice is bad. Also the way they go about it is sick. Picketing outside the abortion clinicks and verbaly and some times phyicly assalting women who are going in to get an abortion is just wrong. Having strong views it fine. Hating other people because of those views is not. You dont get pro-choice people demanding that everyone get an abortion. Sorry. that was a bit conveluted and not that clear.
Sorry I should make myself clear. I think that being totaly extreamist about it and not exepting that there is a choice is bad. Also the way they go about it is sick. Picketing outside the abortion clinicks and verbaly and some times phyicly assalting women who are going in to get an abortion is just wrong. Having strong views it fine. Hating other people because of those views is not. You dont get pro-choice people demanding that everyone get an abortion. Sorry. that was a bit conveluted and not that clear.