The Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust Dental Hospital is part of the Dental Institute which brings together Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust and Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Kings College London.
Its aim is to provide undergraduate and postgraduate training for dental students and to train professions complimentary to dentisty, such as dental nurses and hygienists. It also provides a wide range of general and specialist clinical services.
The Institute is the largest dental teaching hospital in Europe and continues to be a world leader in many areas of dental research.
**[B]Referrals **[/B]
[B]How to access general dental care by undergraduate dental students[/B]
The hospital offers the opportunity for general dental care by dental students. This is accessed via booking and attending an assessment clinic appointment. After the initial appointment, you will be informed whether treatment will be available at the Dental Hospital. All student care is under close supervision from senior dental staff.
In order to qualify for this you cannot be undergoing dental treatment elsewhere or be registered with a general dental practioner in the community.
To make an initial appointment please call 020 7188 9282 [B]Referral mechanisms[/B]
There are two referral offices within the Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust Dental Hospital Dental Institute, one on each site.
Both referral offices accept referrals, using the referral form (Word 70Kb), by email, fax and regular post (details can be found on the referral form). Please note that the inclusion of patient details in an email does require consent from the patient in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
This might take a while, but the quality of the work is very good- and it's free.
[B]Dental services[/B]
The Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust Dental Hospital is part of the Dental Institute which brings together Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust and Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and Kings College London.
Its aim is to provide undergraduate and postgraduate training for dental students and to train professions complimentary to dentisty, such as dental nurses and hygienists. It also provides a wide range of general and specialist clinical services.
The Institute is the largest dental teaching hospital in Europe and continues to be a world leader in many areas of dental research.
**[B]Referrals **[/B]
[B]How to access general dental care by undergraduate dental students[/B]
The hospital offers the opportunity for general dental care by dental students. This is accessed via booking and attending an assessment clinic appointment. After the initial appointment, you will be informed whether treatment will be available at the Dental Hospital. All student care is under close supervision from senior dental staff.
In order to qualify for this you cannot be undergoing dental treatment elsewhere or be registered with a general dental practioner in the community.
To make an initial appointment please call 020 7188 9282
[B]Referral mechanisms[/B]
There are two referral offices within the Guy's and St Thomas' Foundation Trust Dental Hospital Dental Institute, one on each site.
Both referral offices accept referrals, using the referral form (Word 70Kb), by email, fax and regular post (details can be found on the referral form). Please note that the inclusion of patient details in an email does require consent from the patient in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
This might take a while, but the quality of the work is very good- and it's free.