How did you polish your post (fnarr!)? I've got an old Campag aero one that's a bit tarnished that I'd like to at least clean up, if not bring up to a mirror shine.
I used an abrasive block - kinda rubbery thing i found in my dads tool box, really fine wet n dry would prob do the trick - to scuff up the anodising then went in with autosol and the dremel with the white cottony type polishing head on. Took a wee while and i got bogging doing it but the end result is really nice.
I used an abrasive block - kinda rubbery thing i found in my dads tool box, really fine wet n dry would prob do the trick - to scuff up the anodising then went in with autosol and the dremel with the white cottony type polishing head on. Took a wee while and i got bogging doing it but the end result is really nice.