I bought a Langster last year some time and have really enjoyed riding fixed. Due to the fact I can't justify forking out a load of cash on a new fixie I've decided to convert said Langster into something a bit more credible, bit by bit.
This is where I made my first mistake, well second after buying an otp! Bought some new bullhorns at lunchtime and realised they are too thin for my stem - not a huge issue, I'll knock up a ghetto shim. However, I realised that it doesn't seem possible to remove the bloody break leavers without actually breaking them, they're encased. Looks like a trip to ebay for a bmx beak lever for me then!
Anyway, I look forward to being abused for my bike, mistakes.
Hello All,
I bought a Langster last year some time and have really enjoyed riding fixed. Due to the fact I can't justify forking out a load of cash on a new fixie I've decided to convert said Langster into something a bit more credible, bit by bit.
This is where I made my first mistake, well second after buying an otp! Bought some new bullhorns at lunchtime and realised they are too thin for my stem - not a huge issue, I'll knock up a ghetto shim. However, I realised that it doesn't seem possible to remove the bloody break leavers without actually breaking them, they're encased. Looks like a trip to ebay for a bmx beak lever for me then!
Anyway, I look forward to being abused for my bike, mistakes.