asm. Spotted at the petrol station on the Camden Road yesterday about 4ish. I was on my BMX. Lovely bike, too small for me though.
That wasn't me! And the alf webb was here when i got home.. so.. does this mean there are two of these monstrosites bikes in london?!
The frame has a tentative dibs, by the way. Anyone who wants to get 2nd in line, PM me.
pj, I know your pain. Every day riding my sensible (um.) black steel frame, I secretly feel shame that I'm not the correct height to ride this work of cycling art.
That wasn't me! And the alf webb was here when i got home.. so.. does this mean there are two of these
monstrositesbikes in london?!The frame has a tentative dibs, by the way. Anyone who wants to get 2nd in line, PM me.
pj, I know your pain. Every day riding my sensible (um.) black steel frame, I secretly feel shame that I'm not the correct height to ride this work of cycling art.