A number of years ago I was sat on a Met line train out towards the end of the line (visiting the olds), bouncing along, as you do. There was another train travelling along parallel to us, a few tracks over, and from it a small girl was waving to our train, encouraged by her father. The young lady who was sat opposite me, rather than wave back in a sympathetic, friendly manner, decided it would be more of a giggle to flick the Vs at her and mouth "F--- OFF".
A number of years ago I was sat on a Met line train out towards the end of the line (visiting the olds), bouncing along, as you do. There was another train travelling along parallel to us, a few tracks over, and from it a small girl was waving to our train, encouraged by her father. The young lady who was sat opposite me, rather than wave back in a sympathetic, friendly manner, decided it would be more of a giggle to flick the Vs at her and mouth "F--- OFF".
I'm ashamed to say I laughed.