is this affiliated with londonbikepolo, or is this a breakaway group?
Are we about to see gangs of londonbikepololeague players roaming the streets of london, armed with chainwhips looking for fights with stray londonbikepolo players who've got lost on their way home from south polo?
Will the subsequent gang wars on the streets of London lead to a fracture in the forum, and subsequently to the downfall of society as we know it? Is this mad max in the making, without the mullets*?
Wait a cotton-pickin' minute...
is this affiliated with londonbikepolo, or is this a breakaway group?
Are we about to see gangs of londonbikepololeague players roaming the streets of london, armed with chainwhips looking for fights with stray londonbikepolo players who've got lost on their way home from south polo?
Will the subsequent gang wars on the streets of London lead to a fracture in the forum, and subsequently to the downfall of society as we know it? Is this mad max in the making, without the mullets*?
(*except west london)
Where will this all end?